A lot of people when they turn 16 and they’re excited to go get their driver’s license. It’s because you’re getting your driver’s license and I was excited for that reason.
But I remember having such a feeling of pride of being able to Check off the Box on the sheet that said that I wanted to be a registered donor. I watched my aunt give her kidney, and cook, and go on to live a perfectly healthy life.
What this miracle was someone that Dad is not biologically related to but related to by marriage I’m unable to look at my Aunt even today as a 30 year old and not immediately associate her with the fact that I still have my dad.
The least I felt like I could do to kind of pay it forward and repay that. You know should I be in a situation where I can, you know donate organs whether in an emergent accident or as a living donor. As a choice, as a perfectly healthy young person. Like I am, I wanted that represented somewhere and it meant a lot to me to get my license and see that little heart that’s a donor
Don’t be afraid to be your own health Advocate registered to be a donor at the Office of Motor Vehicles or at donatelifela.org